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  1. Poprin

    Be careful out there....

    Many years ago I had a work colleague that was an extremely large human being. Why anybody would choose to mess with him in the first place I don't know but I guess because he was sat in the car he somehow looked smaller... Someone forced him off the road and then approached his vehicle, opened...
  2. Poprin

    Good evening all,

    Welcome from Shropshire :welcome:
  3. Poprin

    For Sale E30 325i Cirrus blue

    Unfortunately mate she is long gone. I can add it to the ever growing list of cars I should never have sold :(
  4. Poprin

    Hi New member

    ok love the teaser shots and also a) the driving gloves b) it's under a dust sheet
  5. Poprin

    Hi New member

    Hello, welcome to the forums from Shropshire, England. :welcome:
  6. Poprin

    For Sale E30 325i Cirrus blue

    Taken a really long time ago and on a really old camera phone but this was the start of my BMW enthusiasm. I'd just finished a seats out interior clean and a scrub down and polish with liberal use of back-to-black when this photo was taken. Paid £420 for this 325i SE on eBay... my how times...
  7. Poprin

    Hi Carl, right back at ya! I always give another Z a wave if I'm out and about I shall keep my...

    Hi Carl, right back at ya! I always give another Z a wave if I'm out and about I shall keep my eye open. Don't use mine as a daily driver but if it's a sunny weekend then chances are I will be out! My current favourite local run is out the back of Ironbridge, through Buldwas and then out towards...
  8. Poprin

    Super Pro( bushing)

    I've got some sloppy handling on the font end of my Z. I haven't had it diagnosed yet but I was considering some poly bushes to tighten things up a little. What bushes to people suggest replacing because I don't really want to stiffen the ride up too much as the roads in Shropshire demand a more...
  9. Poprin

    45 Mile Shakedown

    The Z3M is undeniably awesome. The prices just keep creeping up though and for me, with the Z being purely a toy I can't really legitimise having that much money tied up in a vehicle. Also I don't currently have a garage (working on it) and I think it would be a bit sacrilegious to own one and...
  10. Poprin

    45 Mile Shakedown

    I must admit I'm quite smitten with the Z3. I've always loved them since the day they came out to be honest I think they are a fantastic looking car. Can't deny the brutal performance of the Griff though. I have to admit I've got itchy feet for a 2.8 now. Must have more TORQUE!!! Trouble is...
  11. Poprin

    45 Mile Shakedown

    Car looks awesome! I've been out for a run today also in the Z trying to keep up with my friend in his Griffith 500. I was well impressed right until we arrived at our destination and he said he'd been using a quarter throttle and revving it to 4000rpm and I'd been tickling the red line to keep...
  12. Poprin

    Gookah's Progress Journal

    I've just read through this thread from top to bottom and to say that I am impressed would be an understatement! I'm a long time car enthusiast but I've never quite managed to aim that enthusiasm towards getting my hands dirty. I think because I've never had anyone close to me that had any kind...
  13. Poprin

    For Sale Z3 2.8 1999 Facelift .37,600 miles.

    I spotted this on eBay but unfortunately it's out of my price range atm... well technically everything is but it's definitely out of my current 'looking to do something stupid' price range. Been genuinely enjoying my Z3 for the past year of ownership however I've come to the conclusion that...
  14. Poprin

    #ZedShed La_Vida_Diver's Blue upgrade and TLC

    Great thread La_Vida_Diver, also thank you for commenting on my post with the details of that roof man. That led me here and needless to say I will be giving him a call!
  15. Poprin

    Smaller engines are better drivers cars?

    I don't profess to be a great driver, but being in the fortunate position of being able to drive many different cars over my lifetime as a driver has given me quite a lot of experience. I own an M44 1.9 and have been reliably informed by a BMW Motorsport specialist that goes as well as any he's...
  16. Poprin

    Small economical STYLISH car ... (for Girlfriend)

    Hi Connor, sorry about the delay in reply. It is all dependant on driving style as well of course and at the time when commuting to work I was being particularly economical. 40+mpg was totally achievable even in mixed driving conditions. If you are talking only town driving I think you could...
  17. Poprin

    Value of Z3s

    Just to expand on my comment earlier in the thread. I'm not suggesting we are all about to become millionaires from owning Z3's. However I do think that their value has 'bottomed out'. So I think if you did / have bought a good Z3 at what is basically rock bottom price you are in a good position...
  18. Poprin

    Small economical STYLISH car ... (for Girlfriend)

    I used to own an R56 Mini Cooper S as an everyday car for 2 years. I would strongly advise buying from Mini with their TLC package well and truly in tact. I loved my Mini but it had 2k's worth of warranty work done on it within 2 years. If I had bought it anywhere other than Mini it would have...
  19. Poprin

    z 4 coupe wanders offline

    Hi and Welcome. I run my Z3 tires at 32 PSI all round. I've played with everything from 29 - 34 so far and 32 appears to be the best so far. In fairness the manual suggests 31... I don't have a massive amount of experience with Z4's but I have driven one or two. I think they do suffer from...
  20. Poprin

    Value of Z3s

    Don't also forget that you are currently looking at prices of a 2 seater convertible sports car and it's October. The prices will always be lower this time of year. I managed to pick up my M44 for £1500 because it needed a new door and the roof was a bit discoloured. I've already replaced the...