European Union


Zorg Guru (IV)
British Zeds
Dec 5, 2011
South Wales.
Haha, don't think so, they don't like it over here.
Dutch Government changed a few things quite a few years ago, as I have stated in other posts on this thread.
You want health care? Get insured. No free bum & tit jobs over here.
You want a hand out? Better make sure all your paper work is in order and you are not taking the pish.
You own your own home? Eat it, you got any other assets? Eat them too.

All I am saying is, if the Dutch Government can do this and more, why can't yours?
Sounds like they got it right over there, pity we got a load of tits running things here no wonder there's so much confusion!! :confused:

hard top

Zorg Expert (I)
Dutch Zeds
The M44 Massive
Dec 5, 2011
When these two got out of the trenches, they went into positions within the government.....:D

Baldrick: "What I want to know, Sir, is, before there was a Euro there were lots of different types of money that different people used. And now there's only one type of money that the foreign people use. And what I want to know is, how did we get from one state of affairs to the other state of affairs"
Blackadder: "Baldrick. Do you mean, how did the Euro start?"
Baldrick: "Yes Sir"
Blackadder: "Well, you see Baldrick, back in the 1980s there were many different countries all running their own finances and using different types of money. On one side you had the major economies of France , Belgium , Holland and Germany , and on the other, the weaker nations of Spain , Greece , Ireland , Italy and Portugal . They got together and decided that it would be much easier for everyone if they could all use the same money, have one Central Bank, and belong to one large club where everyone would be happy. This meant that there could never be a situation whereby financial meltdown would lead to social unrest, wars and crises".
Baldrick: "But this is sort of a crisis, isn't it, Sir?".
Blackadder: "That's right Baldrick. You see, there was only one slight flaw in the plan".
Baldrick: "What was that then, Sir?"
Blackadder: "It was b*******s".


Zorg Expert (II)
British Zeds
Dec 31, 2013
Torksey Lock,Lincoln, England
Model of Z
E89 Z4 23i Auto
How very true.:thumbsup:



Zorg Expert (II)
British Zeds
Dec 31, 2013
Torksey Lock,Lincoln, England
Model of Z
E89 Z4 23i Auto
The funny thing is, it did not hit as hard over here as it did in the UK.
I was relieved when we didn't join the Euro, it was amazing, nearly free loans, come and get as much as you want, doesn't matter if you can afford repayments! Does that ring a bell, the roots of the world economic meltdown. Remember that unused airport in Spain that the Top Gear lads went to, another waste of money.



Zorg Expert (II)
British Zeds
M Power
Feb 18, 2016
Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire, England
Model of Z
Z3M Imola and Z4 (e89)


Zorg Guru (IV)
British Zeds
The M44 Massive
Oct 18, 2015
OUT, if we stay in we are in trouble - when Turkey joins the EU, the EU border will be Siria, think about this for a few seconds. :eek::eek::eek:


Zorg Guru (I)
British Zeds
Jan 2, 2015
Model of Z
2.0Ltr Roadster
Out. Anybody remember the Commonwealth? We dumped them for the EU.
and that was a sad day, the commonwealth system worked with the EU we have to please umpteen nations with their own agendas to get the simplest things done. They will be making us drive on the wrong side of the road if we don't watch out :rage:


Zorg Expert (II)
British Zeds
May 4, 2015
South Yorkshire
Model of Z
Is everyone aware that you have to register online to be eligible for this vote if not registered by june 7th you get no say :thumbsup:


Zorg Guru (IV)
British Zeds
Jan 23, 2015
Model of Z
Z4 20i MSport
Is everyone aware that you have to register online to be eligible for this vote if not registered by june 7th you get no say :thumbsup:
You don't need to register again if you are already on the electoral if you received a polling card for the recent local elections and/or police & crime commissioner elections you are fine.


Zorg Guru (IV)
British Zeds
The M44 Massive
Oct 18, 2015
the question no one is asking is how well will the EU do without us, it may start to collapse.

hard top

Zorg Expert (I)
Dutch Zeds
The M44 Massive
Dec 5, 2011
it may start to collapse.
Don't think so, you lot are just listening to the scaremongering from a bunch of nutters.
Its your government that is going to collapse.
They can't even keep a steel works up and running without foreign money and, oh yeah, lets get the Chinese to build nuclear power stations..


Zorg Guru (III)
British Zeds
Nov 1, 2015
Model of Z
Z3 2.8 pre-facelift in Montreal Blue
Head tells me "stay in" - it must be right, we wouldn't have let it go this long
Heart tells me "get out" - we are Great Britain we fought wars to keep our independence
Logic tells me "get out" - Migration, Cost, Lack of control, unfair laws and taxation, etc
Business head tells me "stay in" - because my life will be hell trying to import and export to EU countries if we come out.

the trouble is, we don't have anybody trustworthy to run our country anymore if we do come out, however, if we come out and its a disaster, at least we will know who to blame, ourselves, not some faceless, blameless, unelected bureaucrats in another country, I'm sure thats not what we signed up for in the 70's.

It does come down to more than just money though, it may be we have to accept coming out will cost us cash in the short term, but if we want to retain our National identity we have to come out, and pay the price. I just wish those we elected would stop lying to us and give us the truth supported with fact, because some of them MUST be lying!


Zorg Guru (V)
British Zeds
Mar 1, 2013
Carno,Welsh Wales
Model of Z
I'm not really political but it's a big decision and there's so much crap about ,this is what I did and have made my mind up,but I have always been pro European as I feel they have done more for us than our own government.And I have friends in many European country's they hold no ill will towards me and I like them it's not an us and them scenario........Go to any supermarket ,look at the food people are buying the cars they are driving the products on offer,the freedom and peace that we enjoy.What am I missing ? For those that want to leave I just think Do you want to work longer for less ? Because everyone in the short term says it's going to happen ,and once were down that path it's going to be a tough climb out.Get real and stop wishing for a lottery win as there going to be a lot of disappointed as for masters of our own destiny you ain't getting that unless in the forest on your own without your family. That's my take on it you might see it different :) that's fine.
P.s.ask yourself do you want the eu to collapse and everyone to revert to their individual countries so we trade with each one individually because im sure there are many proud French, Germans and Italians ,Spanish even
Last edited:


Always happy, apart from when I'm not 🤬
British Zeds
Apr 27, 2014
Forest Town, Mansfield
Model of Z
Z4 e85 2.5i
I'm of mixed feelings on this also. As a lot of you will know Jue and I have plans to hopefully move to France once we've cleared the mortgage away so staying in would be the obvious choice, making the paperwork etc easier than it would be if we were separated.
Hugh has stated above, and I totally accept what he is saying regarding working hours etc. "Do we want to work longer hours for less money". I was on the critical list in may last year of which the majority of the problem was due to the long hours I work. I know I am no Brain Surgeon but you do have to have a certain amount of skill to handle 65ft of wagon. For that I get paid an embarrassing hourly rate of pay of which the only way to make a decent wage is to live on the job. I regularly hit 65+ hours a week and stay away from home and as I am tonight and i am permanently knackered. I am pretty sure at some point I will burn out again. I cut down my sleep to between 5 and 6 hours a night so I can have some sort of home life. Is this really a good way to live?
I cannot possibly work anymore hours than do. We used to earn decent money but due to the astronomical numbers that have come in from E.U countries such as Poland, Romania etc lorry drivers wages have nose dived to the point of ridiculous. Our foreign friends are happy to work for less as they do not have the high rent/mortgage payments we have as most share living accommodation to reduce costs. And before anyone throws the racist card at me I am 1/4 polish myself on my father's side.
So although due to future plans I am of mixed views I am voting as we all need to and I for my own health and sanity will be voting OUT!


Zorg Guru (V)
British Zeds
Mar 1, 2013
Carno,Welsh Wales
Model of Z
I'm of mixed feelings on this also. As a lot of you will know Jue and I have plans to hopefully move to France once we've cleared the mortgage away so staying in would be the obvious choice, making the paperwork etc easier than it would be if we were separated.
Hugh has stated above, and I totally accept what he is saying regarding working hours etc. "Do we want to work longer hours for less money". I was on the critical list in may last year of which the majority of the problem was due to the long hours I work. I know I am no Brain Surgeon but you do have to have a certain amount of skill to handle 65ft of wagon. For that I get paid an embarrassing hourly rate of pay of which the only way to make a decent wage is to live on the job. I regularly hit 65+ hours a week and stay away from home and as I am tonight and i am permanently knackered. I am pretty sure at some point I will burn out again. I cut down my sleep to between 5 and 6 hours a night so I can have some sort of home life. Is this really a good way to live?
I cannot possibly work anymore hours than do. We used to earn decent money but due to the astronomical numbers that have come in from E.U countries such as Poland, Romania etc lorry drivers wages have nose dived to the point of ridiculous. Our foreign friends are happy to work for less as they do not have the high rent/mortgage payments we have as most share living accommodation to reduce costs. And before anyone throws the racist card at me I am 1/4 polish myself on my father's side.
So although due to future plans I am of mixed views I am voting as we all need to and I for my own health and sanity will be voting OUT!
I understand your situation,but can't understand how you can possibly think that being out will give you less hours and more pay,but go with your gut :)

hard top

Zorg Expert (I)
Dutch Zeds
The M44 Massive
Dec 5, 2011
You know why you a paid badly @Grumpy? Because your government lets it happen, nothing to do with the EU.
Never hear truckers over here moan about their wages and they are all driving brand new kit.
Never really see foreign truck drivers over here as the Dutch employ their own, its all down to your boss, because he can.