Search results

  1. La_vida_diver

    Write Up 2016 Scotland Cruise Brian H

    So @MikeE89, @La_vida_diver met up at Penrith with @Bazza @Mint and @zedwheels and travelled up on the A roads then decided to go see the falkirk wheel and then cross country to the hotel at Crianlarich. My Milage 604, Bazza 610 miles and MikeE89 649 miles just to get here brilliant fun. So...
  2. La_vida_diver

    Post card Request

    Guys and Girls. I am after a little help. A friend of mines son, in the USA, is carrying out a school project over the course of the next few months. They have asked the students to get friends and "friends of friends" to send in post cards from anywhere in the world so that they can put them...
  3. La_vida_diver

    Archived London to Brighton 5th June 2016

    The 2016 London to Brighton Classic, Kit and Sports Car run meets up at the Brooklands Motor Museum this year and sets off from there. So @NuttyHazel and I are planning to do it again. I have booked a 10:00 to 10:30 start time myself. I have negotiated a small discount £89 instead of £95 and we...
  4. La_vida_diver

    Lisa-Amarela Progress Thread -SVA

    HI Guys and Gals. As some people know I used to have a Z3 I used for the track but have changed that for a Kit Car for reasons I will explain if your interested. but the main reason for this thread is that having built the Kit car on the cheap I will happily detail that as well if people want to...
  5. La_vida_diver

    #ZedShed La_Vida_Diver's Blue upgrade and TLC

    Blue as many will know was bought in 2011 and I discovered this forum on December that year. Apart from the usual changes to braided hoses and fresh oils, filters and maintenance items all round the only thing that has been done is a new Fabric hood. This was done by Jack Smith in Swansea during...
  6. La_vida_diver

    Archived Haynes Motor Museum Friday Evening 17th April

    I had a call from Westerly BMW (my local Dealership) with a potential invite to a function they are running at the Haynes Motor Museum. I am not sure how involved we can be as that would depend on numbers but they are doing an evening at the Museum with some demonstrator cars a number of invited...
  7. La_vida_diver

    Archived London to Brighton 31st May 2015 Hotel Saturday

    @Gemini Events has tried a lot of hotels but there are problems due to the fact that Saturday has events at the conference centre mean that the hotels will not allocate or reserve rooms for us! Also getting hotels in London with Parking at reasonable rates is proving difficult. So Amelia has...
  8. La_vida_diver

    Archived London to Brighton 31st May 2015 Hotel Sunday

    Here is the Brighton offer that Amelia has managed to obtain for us: Umi Brighton: 30 rooms reserved until the 28th February at the following rates Single @ £50 Double or Twin @ £55 Upgrades are available for the following surcharges: ·Upgrade to sea view plus...
  9. La_vida_diver

    Archived London to Brighton 31st May 2015 Hotel "Interest"

    This Thread is to gauge the interest in hotels being set up for the London to Brighton for the 31st May 2015. Please register interest! for a Start Hotel for the Saturday night, Finish Hotel for the Sunday Night or bot. We have a couple of hotels that are interested @Gemini Events are...
  10. La_vida_diver

    Archived London to Brighton 31st May 2015

    Guys and Gals! This is the Thread for the actual Booking for Zroadster attendance at the London to Brighton. (so the “Interest Thread” will now close). Attached to this post is the form for booking which you can either post or email to @GeminiEvents. (you do not have to be a registered forum...
  11. La_vida_diver

    London to Brighton 31st May 2015 (Interested?)

    OK boys and girls. Duncan AKA @La_vida_diver is back to focus on the world from late October. I do not plan to do Silverstone Classic in 2015. I think we have done it to death. Right onto topic if I am not doing Silverstone what do I fancy doing well how about the London to...
  12. La_vida_diver

    Archived Haynes Motor Museum outing 5th October

    As many will know until recently I have been tracking "Black" my Black BMW Z3! Well I was "ADVISED" last year at Cadwell Park that I was pushing the car well but I needed to consider that something is likley to fail due to that, and that I needed roll protection. To cut a long story Short...
  13. La_vida_diver

    Expired Z3 hardtop stand for sale £50

    My contact at BMW Westerly has a second hand excellent condition hardtop stand and cover (we think they are BMW) that a customer has asked them to sell for them and he has contacted me to see if anyone is interested. I have suggested it is worth £50 so it is for sale at £50 for that reason...
  14. La_vida_diver

    Archived 2014 Westcountry Cruise Weekend 11-13 April

    It is my intention to run a 2014 West Country Zed Event on the weekend of Friday April 11th 2014 to Sunday 13th April 2014. After the organisation that was required for 2013’s Cruise and the nerves I had about if everyone would like the roads I chose and how I drove them I though that this year...
  15. La_vida_diver

    Hands free and radio NO CD!

    I just thought I would score this one for @Nutty_Hazel ! She has had awful problems with her hands free kit in the open top car…So as I was looking as I need hands free for Black or I am going to get nicked! Anyway we saw in Halfords a Pioneer unit ( MVH-350BT ) that has no CD but works with...
  16. La_vida_diver

    Archived Castle Hill Festival 3rd and 4th August

    I and a few friends are off to this festival tomorrow is anyone fancies joining us. It is £12 on the gate per person. My friends and I are hoping to get to do the hill climb event. We will have at least three Z3's representing and potentially two Porsches and a Westfield SEiW...
  17. La_vida_diver

    Gaydon 2013

    Is anyone going from Here?
  18. La_vida_diver

    Spotted in Exeter

    Stopped and spoke to the guy we were in Filbert getting tyres sorted he was as keen to see ours as we were his. Gave him one of the cards hope he pops up on here. Sorry about the finger in the way of the lens
  19. La_vida_diver

    Archived Keevil Airfield Track day

    Hi Guys and Gals I just thought I would post on here that Hazel, three other friends and I from North Devon are doing an Airfield track day at Keevil on the 22nd of July. it is run by MSV and the cost is £99 we have booked a tavelodge at Warminster which is costing us £26 for the Sunday night...
  20. La_vida_diver

    Waste of a perfectly good Zed Nuff Said