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  1. La_vida_diver

    Archived Brands hatch BMW Guinness world record attempt 15th June 2013

    Guy's and Gal's I have just become aware of a world record attempt for the largest rolling BMW convoy to be held at Brands hatch on the 15th June so I thought I would post about it what do people think? OOPS sorry guys/gals it is the 15th not 14th the 14th is the Friday. Not sure how if I can...
  2. La_vida_diver

    Archived Westcountry event co-ordinated by BMWCC Cornwall

    Guys and Gals I was on the West Country Section of the BMW Car Club web site and discovered that the Cornish contingent are somewhat more active that the Devon group and that they have an event on the Sunday 14th July, just two weeks before the Zedfest (unfortunately). The event is at the...
  3. La_vida_diver


    I have just been on the BMW CC GB Forum as I am planning to go to the AGM and as such I have been trying to get to grips with how they run etc. and it sort of does not make sense so I have asked questions. for those members here who are also members there it might be interesting to know what I...
  4. La_vida_diver

    Archived Does want to all be in one hotel?

    As you guys will have seen there is now a post of the Hotels for Zedfest. please indicate in this thread rather than the master thread Local discussions as the Master is going to be viewed by all the forums out there including the M-Power Forums. Local discussion on here please...
  5. La_vida_diver

    Archived Zedfest 2013 Hotels

    Ladies and Gentlemen In support of the 2013 Zedfest and M-Power event I have arranged for three hotels. Two for Zedfest and one for M-Power. I was unable to source, at a reasonable rate, a single hotel that could cope with our combined potential numbers. What I have done is to secure for the...
  6. La_vida_diver

    Congratulations to Brian H: BMWCCGB Silverstone Track Day

    On Thursday Brian phoned to check the Car Clubs Silverstone rescheduled track day was still on with all that rain. As it was he set off from Scotland to try and be there with his Yellow Z3. It was Brian's first ever track day! At the start of the day the marshall's and organisers were...
  7. La_vida_diver

    Archived Westcountry Cruise March 2013

    Guy's and Gal's I promised a West Country Cruise to Gary when I first started with and I have so far failed to deliver! I think I need to remedy that fact! I hate letting people down :D What I have in mind I tested with Mint yesterday in terms of where to go and scale etc...
  8. La_vida_diver

    Archived Grand event for 2013 request for ideas

    Guys and Gals I was asked at Horwood House if I would think about planning a major event for 2013 so I think it would be a good idea if I asked for suggestions. My thoughts are that we would include a hotel for socialising at least for one night, and maybe more if people fancy it. This is an...
  9. La_vida_diver

    Sudden stop and restart to engine

    When I was at Cadwell Park on three occasions I got a sudden and unexplained stutter from the engine. By that what I mean the engine did a full stop and the started again all on it's own when I was at speed in high revs. After Cadwell I noticed the same thing about three times and also at...
  10. La_vida_diver

    Horwood House.

    May I please ask people who had problems at the hotel to please email me so that I can collate the problems that were encountered and then follow up with the hotel for any future visit that we may make. I am aware of a few problems and even though I believe they were resolved to the satisfaction...
  11. La_vida_diver

    Archived Surprise Zedfest possibility for parking together

    I do not want to misrepresent the situation! When I managed to get the information on how the cars are to be displayed at Zedfest, I was asked to investigate if we could be displayed together as As a result I have been in touch with the organisers at BMWCC and there is a...
  12. La_vida_diver

    OLD but I remember them! "A"series

    I was recently sent this and was so impressed I though I would post it! for me it always required scrapped knuckles and a lot more swearing! However think on the care this guy has taken to produce this as you watch!
  13. La_vida_diver

    Archived Horewood to Gate 49 Dadford Rd Silverstone

    I have run this in google maps and it says 14.8 miles and 30 minutes. so with traffic I think we need to allocate 45 minutes I have failed to contact the Police today as I had hoped to get guidance but I will pick that up on Monday. The route gets onto the A421 fairly quickly and I have...
  14. La_vida_diver

    Archived Seeking David Preton

    Hi guys and gals I have a small problem with the Horwood House bookings as apparently a David Preston has booked into the hotel using our booking code and I have no idea who he is could someone who might know get him to PM or email me with the forum name that the booking is made for please...
  15. La_vida_diver

    Archived Silverstone Classic Ticket Discounts!

    Guys and Girls. The discounted special package for this event HAD closed but because I was aware that someone missed it I contacted The organiser direct and have convinced them to extend the offer to Sunday 24th. I am trying to get it extended to the 30th But do not think I will succeed as...
  16. La_vida_diver

    Changing stuff in the posts

    Just me testing stuff.. Forum Name Name Booking name Group Friday Confirmed with Hotel Saturday Confirmed with Hotel Forum Name Name Booking name Group Friday Confirmed with Hotel Saturday Confirmed with Hotel Gazhyde Gary & Ellie Supplied Thanks Yes Yes Yes Yes Ragtop...
  17. La_vida_diver

    Cadwell Park track day

    I know a few of us were talking and fancied the idea of a track days hen we were at CITP and Swamper has got me off my backside to report on the Cadwell Park day I did on Monday 14th May this week. I do not yet have the link to the pictures but I will post that as well when I get it. The day was...
  18. La_vida_diver

    Archived Track day Cadwell Park 14th May

    Guys and Gals. Through Nick at the BMWCC I have booked to do the Cadwell park Track day I was wondering if anyone else is doing the same one also I am booking into a little pub near by. The Green Man Old Main Road Scamblesby Louth Lincolnshire LN11 9XG If anyone is interested I have Nicks...
  19. La_vida_diver

    Archived BMWCC Gaydon event Specialist registers

    Guys and Gals It would appear that as well as Silverstone classic to celebrate the BMWCC 60th year there is a bit of a shindig at Gaydon (wherever that is) and I was caught by what they said, and I quote "The annual National Festival once again returns to the Heritage Motor Museum in Gaydon...
  20. La_vida_diver

    Warning lights have come on!

    Guys I have two warning lights that have come on and do not want to go off on their own. :( They are the anti skid/tcs whatever it is and what I take to be the ABS they both came on together and now do not want to go out. They did come on a few months ago and it went out I thought it might...