Yeah so as
@t-tony predicted. Id started this wrong from the offset. Note to anyone following as a how to. This quickly turned into a how to not.
Before i do, the parts returned from the powdercoating
So. I have control arms and all the bits and pieces to replace anyway. I did fully intend on replacing the front struts etc..... I would have liked to have removed these on my own terms and the way the video how tos do it, never the case! Alas. My z3 was not going to give me up her bra so easily.
So while fighting with the control arm bolts and the pry bar just not working i tried plan B. Undo the bolts at the bottom of the strutt. Gain access to the nut and bingo pop right out. EEHHHHHH WRONG. Bolts rusted beyond budging. All still original everytbing up front.
So i decided something was going to have to be a scraficial lamb
. enough was enough. Disconnected the break electrics. Tried to undo the break pipe (again wouldnt budge - knife job unfort!) And unscrewed the strutts from within the engine bay.
Ive quit for the night and cut my losses. These things never go to plan.
HOWEVER, silver linings and all that I've it all out. YEY! Just gotta figure out best way to pull out from under car some how with the minimal space ive got and remove the breaks etc.
Tomorrow evening shall be fun. Might need to purchase some metal cutting grinder discs
Sure if it was easy everybody would be doing it....
It will not beat me though. I did plan on removing these things. Just in a more managed approach. But hey ho. Once i get it out from under the car we are on the right track to rebuilding.