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  1. POG

    Well it's all a matter of science...

    As we know the "Power to Weight Ratio" is just a fact of science... So this morning I was thinking what could be removed from our ZED's to reduce the weight but not make the car unbearable to drive... When I raced on bikes I was always thinking of ways to make the thing lighter! Now where's...
  2. POG

    Think I might have made a boo boo

    Hi Everyone, Hopefully you will all tell me i have nothing to worry about... My ZED is a 97 2.8 without roll bars, I've purchased a BMW OEM wind deflector from eBay without doing any research (silly boy (or something stronger) i hear you say)... Having a look on the net tonight i see the wind...
  3. POG

    To buy or not to buy, that is the question...

    I don't have a Tonneau for me Z3 and have been thinking about getting one but am not convinced it is worth it here in the UK... Do any of you UK owner have them and do you ever use them? If so when, just long trips?
  4. POG

    Someone likes my ZED

  5. POG


    Well we all have cars that get us from A to B... So what car would you have to show that you have "Arrived"
  6. POG

    British Summertime...

    Well it's customary in the POG household for me to wear shorts for some part of every day during British Summertime... Well today was a chilly start... but mission accomplished.
  7. POG

    A week early

    Well I cracked and took the hard top off a week early... I've have three little trips topless today and really enjoyed myself... It really was what the doctor ordered... BST next Sunday so lighter evening for little trip out with the roof down after work.
  8. POG

    Good day at the auctions...

    Well I had a good day at the DVLA number plate auction in Nottingham yesterday... I completed my set of four consecutive numbers. I came home a very pleased ZEDDER...
  9. POG

    Forty days and forty nights...

    Well it's nearly the start of lent, although I have no religious beliefs I tend to try and give something up, so I have been thinking what to give up... In the past I have given up: Facebook Eating bread and crisps Drinking coffee Watching television So this year I'm going to give up...
  10. POG

    Something for the weekend...

    I have two cars, one economical diesel for my commute to and from work and the ZED primarily as a backup work car, which I drive all other times other than work (e.g evenings and weekends). I was wondering how many of you have their ZED as something for the weekend or use it as the primary for...
  11. POG

    Suck it up...

    Do you guys just use the house vacuum cleaner for cleaning the inside of your cars or do you use a small rechargeable cleaner, if so what make?
  12. POG

    By design or error?

    I use the key to lock and unlock my doors on my Z3... Locking or unlocking the doors via the door lock will neither lock or unlock the book (trunk for our American friends). Locking or unlocking the boot via the boot lock will also lock or unlock the doors at the same time... Is this correct...
  13. POG

    Is there such a thing or are they just for Merc drivers?

    Today I went for a little drive in my ZED... It was rather cold even with the hard top on, heater on and windows up even though the sun was out... As I was chugging along wishing it was summer so I could have the roof and windows down, I had this little thought... I wonder if you can buy a...
  14. POG

    It's February...

    Well Everyone, It's February now... Only 11 months until 2016 and another year of your life gone... If you've made a plan for 2015, you're 1/12 through. I hope you're actually walking the walk rather than just talking the talk. NOW is the working until of our lives... The past is just a memory...
  15. POG

    Calling all Z3M Coupe owners...

    This is a little a bit of a strange request but I have never actually been up close to a Z3M Coupe to know the answer myself. So I would like to know if the boot space would be big enough to put a racing bicycle with its wheels out of it, obviously I would also need to take the wheels as...
  16. POG

    So why did you go for a ZED?

    I was wondering why you guys decided to buy a ZED? My reason was purely financial... I live in Portsmouth and work in Reigate, Surrey, I'm lucky to work for a large company and have what I think is a good job... However they do expect me to turn up... So with one car I was in trouble if it...
  17. POG

    Fact or Fiction...

    On a number of occasions I have heard it said that the Z3 is a hairdressers car... So I was wondering if any of the nearly 2,000 ZROADSTER.ORG members were indeed a hairdresser?
  18. POG


    So assuming you were starting with a totally standard ZED... and could only make three modifications what would they be? It could be for performance or looks, well I guess any reason, but please say why the modification. Mine would be: Cream leather cockpit - looks Eisenmann exhaust - mainly...
  19. POG

    Half hearted hat off...

    When I have the roof down on my ZeeThree... I always put the windows down as well, why may you ask? Well I think the look of the car is better with them down, also I did some (unscientific) tests and I did not seem to get blown around any more or less with them up or down. I should add that I...
  20. POG

    Open and Shut Case...

    I was wondering if any of you have the Z3 luggage... I the seen the 3 piece sets, which make the most of the boot space... Are they worth the money?