Bloody-Hell! What a great list of Occupations all united by one letter.
- Ran the school tuck-shop, school disco, and anything else I could make money from
- Business Degree - Manchester 1979
- Some years (too old to remember how many (13)) selling electro-mechanical components and military connector to industry and defense contractors
- Tried running a building firm for 3-years, too much like real work
- 1995 started with Prudential "Man from the Pru" Financial Adviser
- 1997 Independent Financial Adviser/Mortgage Broker
- Been Independent Financial Adviser/Mortgage Broker ever since then for clients here (UK) and in Spain (lived in Mallorca 7 1/2 years now back in UK 2-years ago)
- Dabbled in Property Development since the 80's - made a few quid, lost it, and made it again
- Messed about with Classic Cars since school - a list of cars I should have kept as long as my arm