I took Z3lda out on wet roads
after Christmas to collect our cat from his hotel. PDQ I bought a gun type sprayer for the garden hose and gave Z3lda's wheel arches and nether regions a good blast to remove salt impregnated dirt. Then washed whole car with Autoglym Shampoo and Conditioner. While I was in the mood I did the Primera and Kia the next day too.
Yesterday lunchtime the clouds melted away to blue sky and brilliant sunshine. I told Mrs. Bonzo I needed to fill up with juice before the price went up again. She said, "Let me guess, I bet it's Zelda that desperately needs topping up"......
So, heat on, top down, togs on and a lovely drive to fill up with BP Ultimate. Waiting at the lights just after pulling out of of the garage a guy pulls up beside me in a Merc. SLK with his top down. we gave each other a smile and a thumbs up and he followed me back to Aylsham, still in bright sunshine. Says it all really.