No it's not.I own a 98 2.8 TU z3
However having the TU engine means my throttle is drive by wire
2.0 and 2.8's are all cable throttle.
2.2 and 3.0 M54's are fly by wire.
The TU has a weird throttle body with the ASC motor built in for traction control. The steel throttle disc can stick in the alloy housing so it's a plan to remove the intake boot and polish out any ridges with 1000 grit paper. I expect the throttle cable will be sticky by now. Fitting a new one is a bit of a fiddle but probably the cure. If you can carefully unhook it from the throttle body you can fire WD40 down it. That generally cures it. But yes, they are noticeably heavier than the FBW throttles.