Great turn up, thanks for everyone for making it such a great day.
"It was quite an experience listening to your baby screaming its nuts off".
Good to see my Z4 has not lost any horses.
We had two prizes based on percentage increase/decrease
Winner Ant + 8.8% Wooden spoon Gary - 6%
(Marks V8 Discounted as no factory specification to judge by)
Interesting point with Garys Z3M added a performance air filter for another attempt and showed a drop in horse power!
Ants winning Z3 2.8. Could be that new manifold that's made the difference?
It's time for the beastie. Hopefully someone will come along with a video with volume, sure someone was taking one. The noise was awesome, certainly to be avoided with a hangover.
Hope all the cars are OK after their mornings activities. Most were lit up on the dash like a Xmas tree but cleared after a short run.
Finally a thank you to the lads at Noble Motorsport, professional and friendly, true car guys