Well here is the cause of the blown cigarette lighter fuse.
should have looked first but once I had plugged in the sat nav to set it up the fuse must have blown straight away.
Huge thanks to Tony for pointing me and for others who helped along the way. I have to say that getting at the fuse assembly in my car is not easy. Once the three panel fitting screws are removed then thats where the fun begins. On my car the securing screw is green and it took me ages to find it and then the bloody assembly didnt want to drop down at all. A bit of encouragement helped and there was fuse number 8 which is a 20 amp mini fuse. It popped out ok but normally I take a photo of these things but this time I didnt so there were two spaces available however into the correct slot it went and bingo the cigarette lighter worked.
Sat nav is now functional and I can also play with the Bluetooth streaming toy that I have bought as well.
Thanks everyone, I will be back soon I am sure