Surprised to see a plastic pig over there.
Once we were full of them. No1 among handicapped people, as it was a provision for the ones who lost members of their bodies during WW2.
The first provision was a Morgan 3cycle but later on they got too expensive and Greece was once again into civil war, so money were not enough to feed and give privileges to war heroes. (As always).
Based on an old law also, three wheelers did not pay taxes, so when the veterans passed away the Robins were sold to individuals.
It is not a Reliant in the flesh by the way, it is a MEBEA, produced under licence.
MEBEA was a Greek vehicle manufacturer, producer of light trucks, passenger automobiles, motorcycles, motorbike engines, agricultural machinery and bicycles.
Quite important back in the day, they designed Reliant Fox and after it was no longer being built in Greece, Reliant reused the design for itself instead of shelving it.
Believe it or not, during the years, this little Countries industrialists, tried hard to build cars, ships, trucks and trains, but as always along the ages of our existence, every twenty years or so, civil wars, “revolutions”, or corrupt parties bring the economy back to zero, so even the idealists among us, just dont bother anymore and spend their money elsewhere.
So MEBEA had the same fate as Nissan Greece, NAMKO, Attica, Neorion (that made electric vehicles in the 80s), DIM and C.Ar.
I will put some photos of them in the next post for you to see.