Well gone on then, yes it was Jue.


That's what I was worried about in view of the Air Show at Scampton Bill, so I kept in contact with their planning team to keep up with their road closures. We didn't lose a single person and everyone got fed in good time too.Did a dummy run in March before the run in May everything went great just a couple of little tweaks needed then on the day b***** one of the roads was closed and ended up improvising
I agree that zroadster.net is not a "social" site. The link was not meant to create any controversy. It just shows that the problems have been around for ages, and what some of the solutions are.@Pingu I am not going to say what I think to your comment.. but I can honestly say you have not been on one of my runs have you...
I think a few might have other ideas.. The point of this post is to get some others involved and share the fun that can be had by organising a satisfying day. May I suggest you try and run one yourself too, it might open your eyes a bit.
Spot on here. I try to get a nice, bright orange Lotus at the back of my group so Shirl can spot him back there.do not lose sight of the person behind you.
Ive been that guy@t-tony I think we need a few more Dakkar Zeds as back markers...as well as a few orange plastic toy cars..
@t-tony's famous back marker, great car great owner @Toby.Spot on here. I try to get a nice, bright orange Lotus at the back of my group so Shirl can spot him back there.
Common sense is a great thing and most of us have it.
What he actually said my mate was, "Have you still got that brick under your throttle pedal mate?"