Really enjoyable meet with the Gary Feakins racing cars on show and in particular the Z3, oh yes and the Z4
Not forgetting Stacey's Z3 "M". Thanks Stacey for your efforts, well worth it.
Here's a couple of pics with some banter added, as usual.
Pic1. This is how mine will look when it comes back from Southern Z shed later in the year, as promised.
Pic 2.
Come on Lee, you promised to show me where the lady's is half an hr ago.
"But Trevor" you said it was only comming in for new tyres!!!!!!!! !
Pic 4.
Couldn't leave without one good pic of my trusty steed, but Stacey spoiled it and parked in front.
No offence intended, but you just have to see the funny side of some serious pics.
Nice to have met all the Z'ers that haven't met before, If you didn't make you've missed a good one.
RHA, Roy.