Hi Colin & Dawn. The cut-off date between ‘early’ and ‘ later’ in terms of OBD 1 and 2 is March 1998, so Creator should be ok on your Dec 98 build car..? The definitive ‘ How to’ guide on all of this is by
@NZ00Z3 in the knowledge base. (If I knew how to post a link to it I would)
Before I knew any of this I bought a Creator 310 + for my Sept 97 build 2.8 but it was no good for diagnosing the same problems Dawn has. I still have it, so Dawn you’re welcome to borrow it to see if it works, before you spend money on anything else. (I would say you could have it but I now have Gookah’s 2.8 so I’m keeping it for whenever any of Gookah’s fabulous workmanship breaks down
Dawn, I’m Shrewsbury and I believe you’re Wolverhampton so not a million miles away. If you’re interested in borrowing it PM me and we can make arrangements.