You can buy a whole zed for the price of a pair of mirrors !!OUCH
£499 each !! OMG
Definately are when a pair of standard ones woukd set you back about 300!Mine are a bargain then @£495 THE PAIR painted to any colour
Some just popped up on eBay!! Not cheap tho.
Heard that they dont fit on RHD models.They are off a LHD as well it was a car from Germany.
I believe it was Ashbandicoot who figured it out, rest his soul.Not too sure to be honest but had read the same although im sure i read that someone had resolved that on here and carried out the work to resolve it.
Heard that they dont fit on RHD models.They are off a LHD as well it was a car from Germany.
Thanks for your great info!!!I believe it was @Ashbandicoot who figured it out, rest his soul.
He bought LHD mirrors, separated them from their bases, swapped them with his current mirror bases, and put them back together with a repair kit from a website like this one: