Hope this post is of interest to anyone thinking of creating cosmetic side vents (or any custom parts!). You may have noticed some recent pictures on the Tribute Facebook site, this is how the vents were created.
Thanks to 10stb for his input and templates from his build.
The main dimensions for our design was determined by a desire to use the Z4 side repeaters and the size of the cut outs already created by 10stb. Although we didn't set an actual budget we wanted an affordable solution for 2 sets of vents.
Knowing the overall size limits and the general appearance and proportions of a real 507 side vent taken from available images on the Internet I created a full-size drawing.
Using a block of modelling foam from a craft shop (use contact adhesive to make a bigger block) the full-size drawing was transferred to the face of the block. A very sharp modelling knife and sandpaper was used to create a full-size model of the vent.
For me this was a key step, having a full-size model allowed us to check the design and test fit it, but the biggest benefit was to see the different manufacturing options.
In our case we want the final product to have a chrome like mirror polished finish, from the feedback of members on this forum a spray on product will not give a good enough finish, however if you want a coloured finish then this is probably your best option (3d print and spray paint). Having discounted a spray finish we will consider 2 options:
Option 1 - chrome vinyl wrap – DIY option
Option 2 - electroplating – professional option
Having the foam model allowed us to see how the part could be broken down into components that could be wrapped.
The foam model was converted into a 3d design (I use fusion) with component parts. With a 3d design you can request manufacturing quotes using different materials and different finishes. For example, a UK manufacturer of a 3d printed metal part with polished chrome finish is about £6000 the Chinese quote is about £3000. However, a Chinese 3d plastic/resin printed component with no additional finishing is $40 + $70 delivery. I'll trade off manufacturing cost against my time.
On 26th December I ordered 2 test parts (one for option 1 and one for option 2) they arrived by 8th January!!! These will have to be rubbed down before finishing.
For option 1, only the body was 3d printed, the flutes are 1.5mm polished stainless steel and the centre bar is a polished stainless-steel tube. As most of the body is made up of flat faces, we can use chrome vinyl wrap and hide the joints in the flutes. The flutes then slide into the slots cut into the body, the steel tube holds the vents in place and is fixed in place with a self-tapping screw from the back.
-Not bad for my first attempt at vinyl wrap.
Option 2:
The complete part is 3d printed as a single component, it is sanded down to remove the manufacturing ridges and blemishes and then electroplated. Our Chinese contacts will do all this for us.
As this part sits within a pocket, from a distance it is hard to tell the difference, but up close we can tell, the DIY option means that the final quality is up to us, the professional option takes this out of our hands, and the company we have been using are very professional (they rejected the first pair and remade them!), so it comes down to cost!
Which is which?
I have already designed my vents and some other parts so I’ll be ordering them soon.
From this we have gained the knowledge and skill to make almost anything, I’ll post more when the next part is ready to show off.