Extract from Nick Thomas's post on BMWCC Forum, for anyone interested in attending. I checked with Nick and this event is open to non BMWCC members, just use the details below to get display tickets.
"The SCITP have learnt from 2019 and made changes to the entrance procedures. They will be using the old main entrance with multiple lanes of traffic and new security and stewards managing the entrance and parking. Display cars can arrive from 8:15. SCITP trialled the improvements at the Autumn 2019 event without any issues and are confident there will not be a repeat of 2019 queues. Tickets for driver and displaying car are £7.50, with each extra occupant costing an additional £7.50. This is cheaper than the usual Newby Hall entrance tickets. Display tickets are only sold in advance. To get your tickets go to http://www.carsinthepark.org.uk/, login and then click on ‘Tickets’. Remember to select ‘BMW Car Club GB’ as part of the process, or you may end up parked amongst Audis and Volkswagens."
"The SCITP have learnt from 2019 and made changes to the entrance procedures. They will be using the old main entrance with multiple lanes of traffic and new security and stewards managing the entrance and parking. Display cars can arrive from 8:15. SCITP trialled the improvements at the Autumn 2019 event without any issues and are confident there will not be a repeat of 2019 queues. Tickets for driver and displaying car are £7.50, with each extra occupant costing an additional £7.50. This is cheaper than the usual Newby Hall entrance tickets. Display tickets are only sold in advance. To get your tickets go to http://www.carsinthepark.org.uk/, login and then click on ‘Tickets’. Remember to select ‘BMW Car Club GB’ as part of the process, or you may end up parked amongst Audis and Volkswagens."