Being the sad soul I am I had the spare wheel and carrier out when I was cleaning the sill and decided as it wasn't too bad I would tidy up the rim and come out pretty well, cleaned and painted the carrier as well.
Next problem as the tyre is 15 years old not ideal to use so researching what is available.
tyre fitted is 115 90 16 which is the same as on the E46 but again will be of a similar age and the tyre fitted is no longer made next best thing available is 125 85 16 and these are approx £35 to £40 so all is not lost if you want to maintain the spare wheel capability get a wheel from E46 and new tyre even Kwik Fit were £35 fitted and the different in diameter is 0.3" more and thickness 0.4" so will fit in the carrier still.
Next problem as the tyre is 15 years old not ideal to use so researching what is available.
tyre fitted is 115 90 16 which is the same as on the E46 but again will be of a similar age and the tyre fitted is no longer made next best thing available is 125 85 16 and these are approx £35 to £40 so all is not lost if you want to maintain the spare wheel capability get a wheel from E46 and new tyre even Kwik Fit were £35 fitted and the different in diameter is 0.3" more and thickness 0.4" so will fit in the carrier still.