We have a new page dedicated to routes so you can share your favourite cruise routes with everyone. It uses the site http://www.gpsies.com to create the route so please go there to learn how to create a route and then you can submit it to us so we can add it to the site.
The following is an example route http://zroadster.org/routes/ (under the events menu option) so you can see how it looks. This system is compatible with most gps systems so you should be able to download them into your gps. There are apps for the various phones too but we haven’t investigated that far yet so please check it out and report back!
I hope this feature is going to be useful for everyone and maybe we can build up a nice list of routes!
The following is an example route http://zroadster.org/routes/ (under the events menu option) so you can see how it looks. This system is compatible with most gps systems so you should be able to download them into your gps. There are apps for the various phones too but we haven’t investigated that far yet so please check it out and report back!
I hope this feature is going to be useful for everyone and maybe we can build up a nice list of routes!