Announcement Pushover - alerts for mobile devices coming soon


Global Moderator
M Power
Dec 2, 2011
Model of Z
Whilst discussing the issues caused by Tapatalk due to their lackadaisical approach to security, it was suggested that the most useful feature was alerts.

I've just installed a new extension on the forum which I am testing that provides almost instantaneous alerts to mobile devices. It then provides a link which then loads up the forum in your web browser in the correct location for that alert.

There is an application for both Android and Apple devices, which costs about £3 ($5 US) to download. As yet it doesn't notify on Conversations, but I'm hoping the developer will be able to add it in the future.

The alerts it sends you can be controlled in your settings, so you only get the alerts you want. This providing alerts, combined with the mobile responsive design could make for a perfect replacement for Tapatalk.

Still testing it at the moment, but here are some pictures of how it looks in action. If it passes testing then I'll make it available to anyone who is interested in using it.

Android phone - List of alerts I've received
2014-06-06 17.54.36.png

Android - Expanded details on Alert, including direct link to relevant content (opens in whatever web browser you have configured on your device)
2014-06-06 17.55.29.png

iPad - List of Alerts I've received
2014-06-06 17.55.06.png

iPad - Expanded details on Alert, including direct link to relevant content (opens in whatever web browser you have configured on your device)
2014-06-06 17.55.14.png
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