Good evening everyone,does anyone use petrol additives,and what’s your opinion of same?
Thanks for your reply Paul.I remember in days gone by lots of us used redex in our cars,supposed to keep carbon build up to a minimum,even poured it into the carbs at times.I often put redex in my tank, buy in bulk when its half price in the supermarkets.
I have no idea if I'm getting any benefit from it.
Thanks for your reply Paul.I remember in days gone by lots of us used redex in our cars,supposed to keep carbon build up to a minimum,even poured it into the carbs at times.but I am speaking about the 60s and 70s.used it in my Fiat 850 sports coupe and never had any problems.
Would Cataclean be similar as Redex.?I must read up on it.I have had some success with Cataclean, that and a good thrashing (oo-er) got my Cougar through the MOT every year.