My very first car was a Surf Blue with a White roof Morris Mini Minor to give it its full title. TVL 9. Wish I still had that. Great little cars, like a go kart. Wouldn't want to repair one these days though.
When I was a little girl my parents had a mini clubman was cream with black tram lines on it .....My very first car was a Surf Blue with a White roof Morris Mini Minor to give it its full title. TVL 9. Wish I still had that. Great little cars, like a go kart. Wouldn't want to repair one these days though.
Hi Shelly, I have a green one, a76, sitting out back with the rest of my herd of cars. JIMYeah I know ......
I would luv one of the original ones ......
It's on my bucket list to have one or at least drive one
Think I'd like a blue one