China isn't in the EU thank goodness. Thames Water is a difficult company to deal with in my recent experience. My back garden has two inspection covers to my private sewer which links with a public local main sewer farther down. We're at the lowest point of a line of houses whose sewers connect to this main. Some stupid idiot blocked the main with sanity products, incontinence pads and the polythene wrapper which they came in. Because the blockage was down stream from my junction, the flow backed up until it came to the nearest inspection chamber - mine! It took a good deal of firm complaining to get Thames Water out to stop the fountain of raw sewage that had blown the lid off my manhole, and was gushing down the lawn and into the field next door.
Good to know, though, that they take 'elf n safety very seriously. The warning triangle was in my driveway which is down a private access road and it leads only to my house. Glad that nobody was going to crash into the truck!