After a lot of looking at options and many phone calls I’ve managed to get hold of an engine for the roadster.The initial plan was to rebuild my old engine and to that end I’d bought myself a crank and a set of pistons and rods all second hand but serviceable,the crank would need a slight regrind but I had spoken to a few people and a small grind on a m crank is no problem but even with using my parts the cost of a full strip down and rebuild with a new oil pump and vanos service and other various seals gaskets and sundries would be quite a few k that with me taking the engine out and putting it back in. In this case the engine would be as good as a new one but my pocket couldn’t take it. Anyway I’ve got hold of a 60k engine s50b32 that will plug and play . I’ve got a guy who will put new shells and bolts in the engine clean and check the oil pump do a spring upgrade oil antifreeze and filters take out my old engine and put the replacement in for £950 2 days work ,hopefully the end of April