M54 3 litre starting issues


Zorg Guru (III)
British Zeds
Dec 26, 2016
Spaldingski, Lincs
Model of Z
Z3 project and E89 Z4
As many may know, I have a 3 litre Z3 which I am converting into a GRP-bodied replica.
The car has been sat stationary for 14 months now but I have started the engine every so often (not very often) during this time.
The engine had new plugs, gaskets, vanos rebuilt, oil and filters changed and a general service before it was laid up to be worked on.
It has 3/4 tank of petrol which was in there when I got the car; I have no idea what it is (E5, E10, normal old unleaded) but the car has always started instantly once the fuel pump had primed until now.
In the last few days the starter motor seems to be sticking, ie it doesn't engage on the first or second turn of the key. It just clicks. Third or fourth time it will engage and crank the engine fine. But it doesn't want to start. I have to crank it for a good ten seconds four or five times, then it will eventually fire and run fine.

The weather has been damp and chilly, so there is a lot of condensation and general dampness in and around the car although it is is a garage. I know the battery is good.

I put my code reader on via the round plug in the engine bay. No codes whatsoever.

Any thoughts as to what could cause the (sudden to me) change in the starting issues? Ambient weather, ie damp? Gummy fuel at the injectors? damp in the plugs? Something else?
If there is an underlying issue, I want to address it before it gets worse, as the car isn't going to move for a good while yet. TIA