The best weather forecast we've had for a couple of weeks, the fog/mist has gone and there was a bright yellow thing in the sky.
So off we went up into the Peaks. Roof down all day, stopped at the Yonderman for lunch, schoolboy error arriving at 12:45 with about 6 million others, mostly on bikes. Anyway, after a bacon cob & coffee for me and eggs on toast and tea for P we set off again. We were back home just before it got dark with 103 miles in the bag. Superb day, one of the best for ages.
A few pics...
I feel a cleaning day coming on for tomorrow, I put her to bed a bit dirty
So off we went up into the Peaks. Roof down all day, stopped at the Yonderman for lunch, schoolboy error arriving at 12:45 with about 6 million others, mostly on bikes. Anyway, after a bacon cob & coffee for me and eggs on toast and tea for P we set off again. We were back home just before it got dark with 103 miles in the bag. Superb day, one of the best for ages.
A few pics...
I feel a cleaning day coming on for tomorrow, I put her to bed a bit dirty