What a suprise
Bad weather in the early hours didnt look well for a good day
As we set off Roads wet and 2 days cleaning spoilt
But then against all odds this big shiny thing in the sky appeared and stayed all day
Good to see more than me with a possitive attitude 23 BMW's in total with 3 x Z3's my E85 and 4 x E89's a good showing of Zeds
Other makes i counted 7 E types but only my E85, are they becoming that rare?
Lots of rare classics about, Cars which took my eye loved the Opal GT's the RO80 took me back to my early days in the car trade a real Ferrari and not something i usually go for but the Jeeps in front of the House looked well. My favourite has to be the DBS though love these old school British Muscle cars
Bad weather in the early hours didnt look well for a good day
As we set off Roads wet and 2 days cleaning spoilt
But then against all odds this big shiny thing in the sky appeared and stayed all day
Good to see more than me with a possitive attitude 23 BMW's in total with 3 x Z3's my E85 and 4 x E89's a good showing of Zeds
Other makes i counted 7 E types but only my E85, are they becoming that rare?
Lots of rare classics about, Cars which took my eye loved the Opal GT's the RO80 took me back to my early days in the car trade a real Ferrari and not something i usually go for but the Jeeps in front of the House looked well. My favourite has to be the DBS though love these old school British Muscle cars