Right, then...
Looking to do the brakes on my Z within the next couple of weeks and considering a proactive caliber overhaul and brake hose replacement. Pelican shows a step for partially applying the break pedal ahead of time in order to prevent brake fluid loss - does anyone do this? is this to reduce the mess or is bleeding a nightmare if all the fluid drains out? I have one of those fancy pressure brake bleeder things, so I may be overconfident on this one.... Thoughts?
Looking to do the brakes on my Z within the next couple of weeks and considering a proactive caliber overhaul and brake hose replacement. Pelican shows a step for partially applying the break pedal ahead of time in order to prevent brake fluid loss - does anyone do this? is this to reduce the mess or is bleeding a nightmare if all the fluid drains out? I have one of those fancy pressure brake bleeder things, so I may be overconfident on this one.... Thoughts?