The BMW supplier told me that the GREEN is not the right PH for the BMW and this explains why the plastic parts such as the water pump impeller and radiator overflow plastics get brittle and perish. Mind you he makes a killing because of it! Anywho.... when the BMW's get out of new car warranty owners opt for the GREEN because it is cheaper and the damage starts from there and his sales go up with replacement parts.
That's what he said.... could just be a sales pitch to get me to buy stuff from him [I was not there to buy radiator fluid but to seek availability on the radiatore overflow pipe], but then I doubt the GREEN stuff is BMW approved. If you like green drink Gatorade!
When I do a fluid flush I will buy the right stuff but won't change it right now. It is a scheduled item for me [trying to figure out how to dump the old fluid without it going into my garden!
Have a great weekend everyone.