bmw z3m

  1. L

    Wanted Z3M simota intake + exhaust

    Hello! New to the forum and hoping to try get a bit more enjoyment out of my zed as we approach dryer and dare I say warmer weather up here in Scotland. Does anyone have a simota intake for sale for an S50 Z3M or happen to suggest an alternative? Coming from a Z4M with an eventuri fitted im...
  2. Gwyndaf

    For Sale Bmw z4m and Bmw z3m convertibles for sale.

    Following two recent knee surgeries and difficulty in bending my leg, im selling both my babies. Plenty of photos on here. Going to advertise them on ebay next week, but thought id give you guys first dibs. Both are maintained regardless of cost. The z4m has done 120k but is immaculate, and...
  3. pinkpiggy

    Wanted M front bumper

    Hello guys, sorry for doubling thread. But even when i won the auction with "buy now" button and payed the bumper i found before, after 2 weeks seller decided he will not send the bumper and he added it again for sale (and doubled price). All work on my z3 wait 2 weeks because of one f****...