
  1. S

    Car Alarm - 3g GEMEL made my car a very big paperweight...

    Heya, I am an owner of 1997 Z3 roadster 2.8. Everything about this car - i love. However, due to unfortunate incident (cat pee), my car alarm remote has stopped working (it's the housebrick fob with grey/red buttons and bmw logo). By stopped working i mean, it is constant light like the button...
  2. Richardrix

    EWS IIIG Siren on/off key

    I now have my BMW alarm working, apart from the siren. There is a key on the siren to enable you to turn it off. Mine is in the Off position and I have no key. Does anyone happen to have a key for the siren? The number under the rubber cover is 2 so I presume I need a key with a 2 on it. I know...
  3. colb

    Possible Alarm issue

    2003 2.5 had a faily long trip out yesterday in the rain, parked on the drive which is a level surface and locked the car with the key remote. Short time later her in doors said car alarm is flashing the lights. Opened the car using the remote and checked the bonnet and boot and both doors were...
  4. Richardrix

    Z3 3G EWS Sound Codes / replacement fob

    Hi, new to Z3 ownership. Have a 1997 1.9. When I stop my car and take out the key, the alarm seems to make a noise, it sounds 3 times. I don't have a fob to set or clear the alarm. Does anyone know where I can find out what the alarm sounds mean? Do you know if it is possible to get a...
  5. Jane Race

    Wanted: key fob for Z3 (1997)

    Hi, Does anyone know of a supplier of key fobs for my z3? Please see photo; if you have one that you no longer need, please let me know. Thanks, Jane