Search results

  1. cordycept

    hello, 1.9L z3s here (GKD Kit + m45 Eaton)

    That is a millie miglia replica wheel... 18s staggered.... My favorite wheel so far. However the offset on current wheels (e46 M3 wheels) is best. Milli Miglias for sale $250.00
  2. cordycept

    1998 BMW Z3S

    cordycept submitted a new Showcase Item: 1998 BMW Z3S Read more about this showcase item here...
  3. cordycept

    hello, 1.9L z3s here (GKD Kit + m45 Eaton)

    Just found this forum today, wanted to take a second to introduce myself... I am a 1998 BMW Z3 1.9L that was very neglected and turned away by my original owner on craiglist for $1500.00. Thinking my life was of to scrap pile, I was picked up by a beachside bmw finatic that quickly put me...